Brian Klaas

Professor, Cientista Político americano, e autor do livro "Corruptíveis"

Professor associado de Política Global na University College of London, colunista do Washington Post e escreve artigos para The Atlantic. É comentador televisivo e consultor político. 
Trabalhou na London School of Economics e na Universidade de Oxford. É o apresentador do podcast Power Corrupts. É especialista em democracia, autoritarismo e política externa dos EUA. 
Autor de três livros, The Despot's Apprentice: Donald Trump's Attack on Democracy, The Despot's Accomplice: How the West is Aiding & Abetting the Decline of Democracy e How to Rig an Election. 
Foi conselheiro de campanhas políticas nos EUA, da NATO, da União Europeia, de investidores multibilionários, de ONGs e de políticos internacionais.


Our world is plagued by an abundance of bad leaders who abuse the trust placed in them, acting selfishly to gain more power and accrue more wealth. Is that a universal human impulse, or is it simply the byproduct of broken political environments? Put bluntly: do we need to worry about bad people or bad systems? In this talk, Dr. Brian Klaas, professor of global politics at University College London and author of Corruptible: Who Gets Power and How It Changes Us, will explore broken systems of modern power and offer a roadmap to a world run by incorruptible people who are motivated by integrity and service rather than power and greed.